Ensure that you have the best rate on your Mortgage every time

We keep our head in the fluctuations in the market so you can reap the rewards


  • Find a rate that saves you money
  • Work with the leading lenders
  • Take advantage market rates

There is only one way you can save money on your home loan, and that is by switching or refinancing. Many property owners do not have the right information to capitalise on their opportunities.

Our approach is to keep providing our clients with the benefit of an ongoing fruitful relationship with sound and timely advice.  We are your eyes and ears in the market.  Doing this can free up cash for renovations, to purchase an investment property or for other purchases like motor vehicles or furniture.  Speak to your FNG Specialist today!

Why might you refinance

Maybe your current loan isn’t the best bang for your buck today. Your FNG Specialist can give you a home loan health check to ascertain and compare lender options to see if refinancing makes sense, and what might be possible. Some reasons why you might consider refinancing may include:


  • To access the equity in your home loan for renovation, a new car or investments.
  • Access to a better interest rate and repayments
  • Locking in a fixed interest rate or changing to a variable rate
  • Reducing or extending your loan term
  • Getting extra features or a better package
  • You want to change banks

Book a consultation with an FNG specialist so you can identify if it is a good time for you to refinance and whether your unique circumstances can open the doors for other opportunities that will save you money. We understand the value of sound financial advice and focus our efforts on building wealth for our customers.

Let us help you take the first step – In a free, confidential consultation we can let you know what the best options for you might be.

Get in touch today to find out how much you could be saving

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Potential Savings

Refinancing can offer big savings advantages given that interest rates are low and lenders are making it easier to switch home loans. But remember that this isn’t and should all be about interest rates. Your new loan needs to fit into your long term plans, and the benefits needs to outweigh the potential cost of refinancing. Here are some savings you could enjoy by refinancing:

Lower Interest Rates
A great interest rate can save you thousands of dollars in interest over the life of the loan. You might achieve this by switching from variable to fixed, or vice versa. You could also split your loan to hedge your bets. Either way, there are saving to be had.

Bank Fees
There are lenders out there that can offer loans with lower or even no monthly fees or additional charges to your home loan. Over time this could mean big savings and could be better spent paying off your loan faster, which means less interest.

Debt Consolidation
You may owe money on credit cards, car loans, and personal loans. The less debt you have, the easier it is to manage your mortgage, and life in general. Speak to your FNG Specialist and find out whether rolling this debt into your home loan could save interest and ease your financial burden.

The FNG Service
The only way to find out if changing loans with save you more, is to get a health check done on your current financial situation. FNG Capital Finance will do the analysis, comparisons and can organise your new home loan for you, completely free of charge.